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Token endpoint



The token endpoint is used to obtain an access token, and, optionally an id token by setting the scope parameter to one of the possible values. The body must include the grant_type and client_id parameters and, depending on the grant_type parameter value, additional parameters as explained below:

  • grant_type=authorization_code: The request is sent in the step 5 of the Authorization Code Flow.. The code, redirect_uri and, if a code challenge was included at the authorization request, code_verifier fields also need to be included in that case.
  • grant_type=password: This grant type is used for the Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow. In this flow, the client_secret, username and password fields must be included in the request.
  • grant_type=client_credentials: This grant type is used for the Client Credentials Flow. The client_secret must be include in the request.
  • grant_type=refresh_token: Set to refresh a token. The request must include the refresh_token.
The response will include an access_token, a refresh_token and an id_token.


Path Parameters

    realmId stringrequired

    The realm's id


    client_id stringrequired
    client_secret string
    refresh_token string
    username string
    password string
    redirect_uri string
    code_verifier string
    code string
    grant_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [authorization_code, client_credentials, password, refresh_token]

    scope stringrequired

    Possible values: [openid]



    access_token string
    expires_in number
    refresh_token string
    refresh_expires_in number
    token_type string
    not-before-policy number
    scope string
    id_token string